[News] Linda: Bosco Is Not Unfainthful

Linda and Bosco have cooperated in three drama including the latest, Witness Insecurity. However, they have never been involved in rumors of romantic affair. Linda stressed that Bosco is not unfainthful and felt pity for his breakup with Myolie Wu. She has left them messages to express her consolation. Linda also felt that the breakup is an unhappy event, but Myolie is a tough girl and both of them are still young. Therefore, there no need to worry. As a friend, Linda will support their decisions. A breakup is an event between the two of them. They have deal with it in a mature way.
Besides Bosco, Raymond Lam and Ron Ng have also recently been submerged in rumors of romantic affairs. Linda expressed that she does not have a deep understanding of the rumors. Only the persons involved know the truth. Regarding the three TVB young actors having affairs with actresses from mainland China, Linda laughingly expressed that HK girls can also be very gentle and soft. Therefore, she does not worry about her boyfriend getting lured by Chinese girls while working in China, which is also related to the character of the person. Linda will keep up her beauty and won't be beaten by girls from the mainland. When talked about the attractiveness of full figured body, Linda said this can be kept up by doing exercises. Linda attended the promotion for the medical cosmetic shop yesterday where she expressed her satisfaction of her facial features that require no augmentation. Linda's mother is a conservative person and voiced her opinions regarding Linda's decision to undergo hair removal treatment. Linda has been laughed about her dense arm hair by male friends, so she is considering the hair removal treatment.
translated by greenb1a@lindachung.ca