[News] Linda Chung’s “cravings” Causes Her Case of Acne

caption: Linda hopes for all women to pay extra attention to the beauty products being used, so there won't be any risk upon using those products.

Celebrity Linda Chung have been taking time off of her very busy schedule to take part in these conventions, plus she admitted that she have been eating a lot of fried and unhealthy foods. All of this just concludes to acne, but she will take care of herself. Linda has recently been learning about cosmetology and health; she is now pushing it out there by telling everyone “If you need to take a vaccine, remember to ask the doctor carefully for the purpose of this needle and possible symptoms; because you shouldn't take any risks with your health.”

Source: on.cc
Translated by Wendy@http://lindachungthoughts.blogspot.ca/

Pics and Clips of the Event: World Heart Day 2012

Linda doesn't have to film until mid-october, but have been attending alot of events during her "free" month :) And also recording for her album too.