Yes Magazine Vol 1039 English Translation

Nowadays, when youth date, most of them are looking for a ‘fresh and new’ feeling, thus they consistently change partners, hopping from one to another, looking for one that suits oneself, is good to oneself, and loves oneself the most; even better, if the partner treats oneself like a goddess to be in awe of.

This year, 26-year-old Linda Chung is considered half of an adult, but of all things, she does not go for the ‘fresh’ feelings, but instead seeks a lifelong partner and committed relationship. On the topic of commitment, Linda’s rumours have always been pretty ‘committed’, mostly being only about Raymond Lam and herself. However, after many years, everyone is getting bored, and Linda herself is also beginning to feel bored, therefore her resolution for the new year ahead is to find a new partner. I wonder, who would be so lucky as to have Linda as a partner then?

Not concerned about looks, but about matters of the heart
Linda could be said to be today’s embolism of the woman of the house (playing on the words in the name of her new drama series ). To become a goddess of a lover, I believe certain criteria has to be met. Then, would it be like Linda’s lately-filmed , a mature and stable typed ______ (name in show)? Or would it be early previously pranked MV move ‘scandal’? However, Linda remarks that she looks at the inner beauty of a person rather than his outer looks, “I don’t really believe in ‘love at first sight’, so handsome men may not be the first thing that attracts me to him. I feel that love must be cultivated through a knowing each other more, from normal friends with a heightened sense of mutual understanding slowly progressing to a love bond between the two persons. One’s life is a long period of time, so when choosing a partner, one cannot be too reckless. For example, my first boyfriend was also my friend in the beginning. Actually, Linda does not really look at the outward appearance of a person, so this “new lover” could be from a much larger scope! Looking at the “Wong Cho Lam-Leanne Li” example, it looks like pretty girls go for ‘Feel’ more [than outward appearance]!

(Captions: Linda recently filmed with Sunny Chan, having quite a lot of interaction with the latter
Linda earlier filmed the MV for her new song , and was unexpectedly wrongly accused of having a row in the street by a member of the public)

Linda does not go for romance
Since the basic criteria for Linda’s new lover is set, although the field of reference is large, but Linda says that she does want to ‘try out’ a few more men just because there are many to choose from. Linda says, “I feel that love should be a lifelong commitment, in sickness or in health, no matter what the circumstance, there must be love and devotion between the two. In brief, the covenants and marriage vows made during the marriage ceremony are all my views on the topic of love. In addition, my work in the past few years has been hectic and the hours long, so the feelings of romanticism and such have already been absent, so I am not in the situation where I would detest dating, I hope that all can progress in nature’s course.” That’s true too, Linda has already gotten a fair share of the so-called “romanticism” and the feeling of being wooed during filming of drama series. For example, in , Ron Ng had to piggyback Linda in public for the filming, and in , Linda got to sit in a carriage to “get married”. What else hasn’t she tried before?

(Captions: Being carried through the streets by a guy, any girl would feel ‘in love’
Linda has already acted in marriage scenes countless times, and tried it once more in her new drama .)

No Valentine’s Day
Although Linda’s “new partner’s” conditions seem simple, Linda remains single till today due to the fact that she is too busy to date. As Valentine’s Day draws near, how would Linda spend this “Lonely Valentine’s Day”? Linda replies, “ever since entering the entertainment industry, I have to go to work almost every Valentine’s Day, because Valentine’s Day is different from Chinese New Year, there is no fixed off-day. If I had a boyfriend, then Valentine’s Day would clearly be a very different occasion; a grand one. However, things are just the opposite—for single people like me, this occasion practically does not exist, because forcing another friend out to celebrate might prevent him or her from being able to accompany his or her other half, or may prevent him or her from advancing further in their relationship [by playing gooseberry].” “Not behaving as if something exists is equal to the inexistence of the same”, although it feels similar to the concept of an ostrich [sticking its head in the ground], but to a single person, this is a good way of not restricting other people!

It’s best to keep it simple
To Linda, Valentine’s Day is only a very ‘caring’ occasion, but nevertheless, all girls will have wild thoughts about it. How would the best Valentine’s Day be for Linda? Linda responds, “before, during Valentine’s Day, I would really hope that my other half would spend a lot of effort and heart into doing many special, romantic things for me. Despite that, now as I grow older, I wonder if I am seeing things in a more broader perspective, but I seek simplicity. Maybe it could be a simple and common outing to see the movies, or even staying together at home, just the two of us, and watching TV or DVDs together. I would feel very happy and satisfied already if I could do that.” At times, the simpler the actions, the more meaningful the time spent together; think about it—which old couple would climb up to the Peak to gaze at the stars just for the ‘romantic feel’? On the flipside, staying at home together to analyze drama serials would be even more sweet, wouldn’t it?

Loving and being loved
Linda is 26 years old this year; the last time she dated was about 10+ years ago (with her first boyfriend), and following that she had put in her all into working hard. Lonely? Linda does not feel that is so, because even though she has no lover, she still has many people who love her by her side to support her. She comments, “sometimes when I see a crowd of fans carrying boards and standing on the streets waiting for me and calling my name, I will feel so touched and happy. I love the feeling of being loved, but sometimes in reflection, when I look back to my persona of a normal person, I would logically ask myself why I gain the support of my fans. There is nothing unique about me, I am only a normal person too, and I often worry that they might spend too much time on me. This might cause them to neglect their own families, schoolwork, careers and dreams, so I would remind them from time to time to study hard first, and only go to functions to see me when they have the time.” Why is Linda such a popular actress with her fans? Look at her and how much she loves her fans, and you would already know! Why would you still ask such a question?

(Captions: Whenever Linda goes anywhere, there would be a large crowd of fans following her to give her support.
Seeing the support of so many fans, giving her so many gifts every time, it would be a surprise if Linda was not touched.)

translated by Bell@