Linda's Weibo Update 11/03/12-13/03/12

*feel free to correct any mistakes in the translations! I know I probably made some mistakes :)

送半邊臉給你們。 是為一周刊頒獎拍的!butterflies.....

Trans: A gift to you guys of half of a face. It is a photoshoot for an award of a magazine! butterflies...:D

之前為我由細到大很喜歡的牌子Dettol拍了廣告。 Yay! Now I have 1-year unlimited supply of hand and body wash!!!!! :D :D :D 好滋潤, 但是又好清潔:)

Trans: The ads for the brand Dettol that I really like. Yay! Now I have 1-year unlimited supply of hand and body wash!!!!! :D :D :D Very useful and clean :)

@梅小青LV ,好多謝你的讚賞!其實入左行後,我知道要令觀眾鍾意自己的演出係好難的,所以真的衷心多謝你這幾年比我的機會,亦好慶幸能參演當旺爸爸,令觀眾更加看到嘉欣喜劇的一面。雖然你和家豪哥@劉家豪GH 會去新的地方發展,但我相信有緣一定有機會再合作:) 加油!希望你們繼續為觀眾帶來精彩的作品!

Trans: @梅小青LV, thank you for your praises. In fact after entering the entertainment world, I understand that it's a hard job to make the audience love my acting, so I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunities in these last few years. I am also really happy to participate in Daddy Good Deeds, that will let the audience see the comedic side of Linda. Even though you and (her husband's name) will leave to work at another place, I still believe that we will have a chance to work with each other again. Support! Wish you guys will continue to create more wonderful works for the audience!

我很開心我中了運動毒!!! 身體健康, 人好開心!!! 希望大家都會對自己好一點。 多做運動, 身心都快樂!

Trans: I am very happy to release myself with exercising! With a healthy body, it makes you feel happier!!! Hopefully everybody can treat themselves better. Exercise more, both physically and mentally!